
  1. "Citizen Delavan and American Democracy: Educating the Public about Science in the Atomic Age," SHAFR Summer Institute on Nuclear History, Washington, D.C., June 14-19, 2013.
  2. "RAND Corporation and Thomas C. Schelling" for G. Kurt Piehler (ed.) Encyclopedia of Military Science, SAGE Publications, Inc., 2013.
  3. "Information, Education, and Indoctrination: The Federation of American Scientists and Public Communication Strategies in the Atomic Age," Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 42, no. 1, 2012.
  4. "Selling the International Control of Atomic Energy: The Scientists Movement, the Advertising Council, and the Problem of the Public," in The Atomic Bomb and American Society: New Perspectives, edited by Rosemary B. Mariner and G. Kurt Piehler. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2009.
  5. "Turning Ordinary Housewives into Opinion Makers: The Scientists Movement, the NCAI, and the Nascent Public," History of Science Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 6-9, 2008.
  6. "Science in the Marketplace: Scientists, Business, and the American Public." Panel for History of Science Society Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 2-5, 2006.
  7. "Selling the International Control of Atomic Energy: The Scientists Movement, the Advertising Council, and the Problem of the Public." Presented at Science for Sale? Public Communication of Science in a Corporate World conference, Cornell University, April 15-17, 2005; The Atomic Bomb and American Society conference, Sponsored by the Center for the Study of War and Society, University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge, TN, July 15-17, 2005.
  8. Review of Awaiting Armageddon: How Americans Faced the Cuban Missile Crisis by Alice L. George, for Technology and Culture. Published in Vol. 45, July 2004.
  9. Review of Neither Dead Nor Red: Civilian Defense and American Political Development During the Early Cold War by Andrew D. Grossman, for Technology and Culture. Published in Vol. 44, January 2003.
  10. "To Secure the Blessings of Science to the General Welfare: The Scientists' Movement, American Democracy, and the Public, 1945-1947." Presented at Cold War History Conference, UC Santa Barbara, May 2002.


Megan K. Sethi

Megan K. Sethi is a U.S. Historian.

  • Affiliations:
    • Southern New Hampshire University
    • University of California, Los Angeles
    • University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
  • Alma Mater:
    • Bryn Mawr College
    • University of California, Los Angeles
  • Field of Research:
    • U.S. History
    • History of Science
    • Twentieth Century U.S. Political History